Sunday, February 14, 2010

LIGHTING Assignment, Photo #1

Is your PA vehicle inspection current? Schedule your appointment early to avoid the rush.

Learned a valuable lesson today -- make sure the battery in the camera is charged. I wasted an hour in a waiting room re-charging the battery instead of shooting photos of my car being inspected. However, I was able to take a few at Humes in Waterford on Friday afternoon after the battery was charged (February 12), utilizing the available light.
The above photo was taken with no flash, indoors, 1/30, F5, ISO 200, 18 mm, on auto fine setting, through an interior plate glass window. The photo shows the glaring fluroescent lights, and some of the natural light shining to the right of the vehicle through the exterior windows. I was intrigued by the colors (red, white, blue) and the lettering on the interior window. Several in this series are posted in Picasa.

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