Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DOCUMENTARY Assignment, At the Erie Zoo

Documentary Assignment: At the Erie Zoo on the last day of winter.
This assignment, to take 50 photos of a documentary subject, caused me to scratch my head. Who in my world would allow me to take so many photographs and still stay on good terms with me? I then thought of my grand-niece, Khloe Grace, age 1-1/2. Her mom agreed to lend her to us for an afternoon trip to the Erie Zoo, while her brother was in pre-school. It is obvious from several of the photos (more are published in a Picasa folder, "Documentary") that we interrupted Khloe's normal nap time, but we all had fun anyway.
Top photo was taken on automatic mode, 1/250, f8, ISO 100, 55 mm, auto fine setting.
Second photo was taken in child mode, 1/250, f5.6, ISO 100, 55 mm, auto fine setting.
The middle photographs of Khloe and the black swan exchanging peeks through the bare bushes are favorites of mine. (Both taken on automatic mode, 1/160, f6.3, ISO 100, 52 mm, auto fine setting.)
She had several favorite exhibits (the naked water moles, the hissing cockroaches, and the turtles) and usually ignored that I was holding and aiming a camera all afternoon.
We especially enjoyed visiting with Samantha, the gorilla, for a long time. There is a separate blog post featuring this Queen of the Erie Zoo. There are also two separate sequences of photos starring Samantha in the Documentary Picasa folder.
Close-up of Khloe reaching for the hinges on the stroller was taken with no flash, 1/320, f9, ISO 100, 45 mm, auto fine setting.
Sleeping Khloe was taken in child mode, 1/60, f5.6, ISO 200, 55 mm, auto fine setting.

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