Friday, March 12, 2010

SPRING BREAK: Highlights

At the risk of being an obnoxious brand new grandmother, I have lots of photos of Winnie Clare to share. The timing of this assignment (Documenting Life) was perfect, as I had the Nikon 3000 camera with me for the trip, and would have taken numerous photos anyway. Needless to say, I enjoyed every second of baby worshipping the entire long weekend. Anne Geddes need not fear any competition from me, but several of the photos, if I do say so myself, turned out incredible! With black backdrop, I took a series of her parents with baby in color. I was honored to be asked. Later, several of the shots were photoshopped into black and white, with lightening, brightening, and darkening the black surroundings. See the entire series in Picasa Spring Break folder. Most were taken with the Nikon 3000, a few with a Nikon 3. All were with a light box, light meter, light umbrella. The Nikon 3000 (from class) was around my neck. I alternated using that and my daughter's camera, which took time in between photos to save to their camera card. In the top photo, I was able to capture the motion of the mother's hand burping the baby. The photo was taken on portrait mode, 1/15, f5.6, ISO 400, 55 mm, auto fine setting.

Photographing the baby was so much fun...Here are examples of before and after photoshop. I took all the photos, and let my daughter and son-in-law edit them later as they preferred. They knew exactly what they wanted out of our photo session of Winnie Clare! I am proudest of the photo of Winnie's Dad holding her, taken on the sports mode, 1/1.6, f5.6, ISO 800, 55 mm, auto fine setting, using the light box, light meter, and light umbrella.

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